Oliver Bamber set himself a huge mission when he insisted that he would climb Snowdon in memory of his Grandad, Tony Bamber who sadly passed away in May following a long battle with cancer. Joining Mum Dawn and Dad, Richard, he set out to raise funds and spread awareness of male related cancer conditions.
The Bamber family run Anthony's Travel in Runcorn and the company has long supported and worked in partnership with the Mrk Gorry Foundation, providing funding, support and courtesy transport to fundraising events.
Richard Bamber said, "Oliver did fantastic and put us to shame. He was determined to make hsi Grandad pround an talked none stop up and down the mountain. He certainly is a character just like his Grandad and the legend certainly continues through hm. It was a pleasure to join the Mark Gorry Foundations again. They are not only our community partners but good friends and a big part of Team Anthony's"
Oliver aged 9, sets himself a mission! Oliver with Mum Dawn and Dad Richard