Cruisers Limited

Benchmark Member
Benchmark Member
Unit M, Kingsfield Business Centre, Redhill, RH1 4DP.
01737 770 036
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Company Profile:

Cruisers transport hundreds of school children every day on home to school journeys to both mainstream and special needs establishments. Teh Company very much support the aims of BUSK in their promotion of safe child road transport. Management contact Paul Halligan Established since 1994  Fleet Fleet of 14 coaches with a seating capacity from 29 to 53.  Drivers Cruisers Limited employ 10 full and 6 part time drivers.  Training Drivers trained in on-going CPC modules and have completed training in Drivers’ Hours, Use of Tachographs and receive training in Customer Care, Route Familiarisation and Disability & Wheelchair Use Awareness. Maintenance In house maintenance carried out in purpose built workshop managed by Mr. M. Beven, Workshop Manager, Vehicles safety inspected every 28 days. Roller brake testing every six months. Members of BUSK Benchmark Profits are re-invested into business to maintain safety standards. Cruisers have been long established as the name for high quality coach hire. Based in Surrey, we provide services throughout London and South East England. For schools, in addition to daily home to school transport we operate a large number of journeys for educational visits and sporting fixtures every day. Wheelchair access transport is a speciality for which we have a fleet of fully equipped modern vehicles and a staff of trained, understanding and knowledgeable staff.Benchmark License No: BE0093

Expiry Date: 31 December 2018

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