Buzzlines Travel joined BUSK Benchmark to offer passengers a safe, professional and reliable travel experience throughout the UK and Europe. Our Company is proud to have met the high standards BUSK demands from it's members.
Management contact: Lynn Woods
Established since: 1991
Fleet: Fleet of 11 coaches, seating capacity of 30 to 59, all under 5 years with exception of one under 10 years, fitted with 2 and 3 point safety belts. Fleet of 4 minibuses with up to 16 passenger seats fitted with 3 point safety belts.
Drivers: Buzzlines Travel employ 21 full time and 11 part time driver. All drivers are D & B checked annually by Kent County Council. Drivers trained in on-going CPC modules including Customer Care, Drivers' Hours, Passenger evacuation, Professional coach driver's workshop, Safe London driving, Manual handling, Continental driving. Health & safety policy: Available upon request.
Maintenance: External maintenance programme carried out and fleet is roller brake tested every three months. Vehicles safety inspected every 6 weeks.
Members of: BUSK Benchmark, Confederation of Passenger Transport, Guild of British Coach Operators.